BMA Industry Resource

SABA Member Country Report On State Of Convergence Of The Digital Ecosystems


SABA Member Country Report On State Of Convergence Of The Digital Ecosystems

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About this Resource


The status of digital transformation in Mozambique, Botswana, Seychelles, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, and Angola. The breakdown of facilities and transmitters, including activities that need to be carried out for successful digital migration. The switch-off dates of analogue transmitters. Challenges in relation to transmitters and transponders. The breakdown of terrestrial sites across the presenting countries. Improved services can be created through partnerships between broadcasters and telecom organisations.


Some key points from the resource include:

  • Analogue transmitters
  • Digital Transformation


Resource Type: Video Presentation

Author: Broadcast Media Africa

Year Sourced: 2021
Year Published To BMA: 2021

BMA Tags / Metadata

  • Satellite Broadcasting
  • Digital Migration
  • Broadcasting Organisations
  • BroadcastingInfrastructure
  • Spectrum Management