Reports & Presentations

Counting Viewers and Listeners in a Multi-Screen and Multi-Platform Environment: Strategies and Methods

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Counting Viewers and Listeners in a Multi-Screen and Multi-Platform Environment: Strategies and Methods

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The 2019 document on “Counting Viewers and Listeners in a Multi-Screen and Multi-Platform Environment: Strategies and Methods” by Pamro – presented by Broadcast Media Africa (BMA) addresses the challenges and solutions in media audience measurement in an era of diversified media platforms. It discusses the transition from traditional broadcasting to a multi-platform environment, including the impact of the attention economy on media consumption.

The report emphasises the need for updated measurement techniques to accurately reflect viewership and listenership across various platforms. It highlights new methods and technologies in audience measurement and the importance of incorporating these advancements to obtain reliable data. Additionally, the document explores the relevance of TV and radio in the digital age, especially in the context of the African market, and suggests a collaborative approach towards a comprehensive audience measurement system.

Some key points from the resource include:

● The shift from traditional to diverse media platforms.
● How media consumption is affected by the attention economy.
● The necessity for modern methods to measure media consumption accurately.
● Introduction of new technologies for audience tracking.
● Reliability of Data: Emphasis on the importance of reliable data in audience measurement.
● The ongoing significance of traditional media forms in the current digital landscape.
● Suggestion for a cooperative strategy in developing comprehensive audience measurement systems.

Resource Type: Presentation Document
Author: PAMRO
Source Year: 2019
Date Published To BMA: 12-November-19

BMA Tags / Metadata 

  • Audience Measurement
  • Multi-Platform Media
  • Attention Economy
  • Media Consumption
  • Digital Media Trends