Animation is rapidly becoming a vital medium for storytelling and cultural expression across Africa, resonating with audiences young and old. Despite its growing popularity, the African animation industry faces unique challenges, including limited funding, skills shortages, and competition from global animation giants.
In light of this, Broadcast Media Africa (BMA) is conducting an industry survey on “Animation Content And Programming – State Of Play With Content Publishers And Broadcasters In Africa.” This survey aims to capture the current landscape and dynamics driving the creation, distribution, and consumption of animation content across Africa.
The survey will seek to uncover preferences and practices and provide insights on regional trends, audience preferences, and production hurdles.
This survey will collect responses from diverse media stakeholders across the continent, including television broadcasters, streaming service providers, content producers, and electronic media publishers.
The following are the expected outcomes:
Industry benchmarking report
Framework for the development of localised animation content
Strategic insights for all stakeholders
Framework for content acquisition for broadcasters and publishers