Apple Original Films has wrapped up production on its upcoming feature film titled “F1,” which is expected to hit theatres following the 2024 Formula 1 season. The film was shot during the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, collaborating with the Creative Media Authority and Abu Dhabi Film Commission. Directed by Joseph Kosinski, known for “Top Gun: Maverick,” the film stars Brad Pitt and is scheduled for a global theatrical release by Warner Bros. Pictures, debuting in IMAX and theatres in North America on June 27, 2025, and internationally on June 25, 2025.
“F1” captures the thrilling world of elite motorsport, following the story of Brad Pitt as a former Formula 1 driver attempting a comeback. He is joined by Damson Idris, portraying his teammate in the fictional APXGP team. The impressive cast includes Academy Award-winner Javier Bardem, Oscar-nominee Kerry Condon, Emmy Award-winner Tobias Menzies, Sarah Niles, Kim Bodnia, and Samson Kayo.
The project is produced by Kosinski, seven-time Formula 1 champion Sir Lewis Hamilton under his Dawn Apollo Films banner, Jerry Bruckheimer and Chad Oman of Jerry Bruckheimer Films, and Brad Pitt’s Plan B Entertainment. The screenplay was penned by Ehren Kruger, also of “Top Gun: Maverick,” and the film closely collaborates with the entire Formula 1 community, integrating teams, drivers, and the FIA into its narrative.
Much of the filming took place in Abu Dhabi, utilizing stunning locations such as the Yas Marina Circuit, Zayed International Airport, and twofour54 Studios at Yas Creative Hub. The production brought together an international team, with key cast members including Pitt, Idris, Bardem, and Condon, supported by 284 local crew members and Epic Films. The Abu Dhabi Film Commission played a critical role in facilitating the shoot by providing support through its rebate program, which has assisted 170 productions since 2013.
Mohamed Dobay, Acting Director General of Abu Dhabi’s Creative Media Authority, stated, “Our efforts and leadership have forged exciting partnerships with major production teams like Apple Original Films. The recent third and final filming session in Abu Dhabi attracted international attention, coinciding with the 2024 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. We are eager to see Abu Dhabi’s iconic locations featured on the big screen and look forward to further collaborations with Apple Original Films, offering a secure working environment and a wealth of talent and resources.”
Sameer Al Jaberi, Head of Abu Dhabi Film Commission, expressed his satisfaction with supporting the varied production program, which involved the international crew and cast on three separate occasions over 29 days. The production not only included Emirati talent but also employed 284 local crew members and provided work placements for 15 young individuals, including five Emirati youths, as part of their commitment to nurturing local talent in the creative industries.