BMA Industry Resource

The Role of Satellite In Enabling The Next-Generation Video Ecosystem
Presentation Slide


The Role of Satellite In Enabling The Next-Generation Video Ecosystem
Presentation Slide


About this Resource


The document on “The Role of Satellite in Enabling the Next Generation Video Ecosystem” by SES, published in 2015 and presented by Broadcast Media Africa (BMA) – discusses the evolution of Direct-to-Home (DTH)
satellite broadcasting and its increasing significance in the digital broadcasting ecosystem.

It highlights the growing affordability of HD screens, the rise of Ultra HD content, and the impact of emerging markets on the global broadcasting landscape and the importance of satellite technology in providing efficient and cost-effective content distribution solutions.

Some key points from the resource include:

● Satellite’s role in the transition from analogue to digital TV.
● Increasing access to high-definition content.
● The influence of emerging markets on global broadcasting trends.
● The efficiency of satellites in content distribution.
● The economic benefits of satellite broadcasting in reaching a wide audience.

Resource Type: Presentation Slide

Author: SES

Year Sourced: 2015
Year Published To BMA: 2015

BMA Tags / Metadata

DTH Satellite Broadcasting
HD and Ultra HD Content
Emerging Market Influence
Broadcasting Technology Evolution
Cost-Effective Content Distribution