Recognising the shift in the rapid growth of digital and streaming platforms and the advancements in data-driven advertising technologies and their effect on broadcast content monetisation via advertising in Africa, Broadcast Media Africa (BMA) is carrying out an industry survey on to gather and analyse data on the current dynamics and future relationship of Broadcast Content Monetisation via Advertising in the African marketplace.
The study should uncover trends, critical challenges, and opportunities around the content monetisation ecosystem in Africa. The survey will gather insights from broadcasters, content creators, media agencies, and advertising technology providers across the continent and beyond.
This research will assess the current landscape, evaluate monetisation models, and identify strategies to help media enterprises adapt to changing market dynamics.
The findings will serve as a good briefing resource for stakeholders looking to innovate content delivery and monetisation strategies for the African marketplace, strengthening their advertising and sponsorship partnerships for audience currencies in a fast-evolving digital media environment.