A new animated series from Ethiopia, Behager Lij Kids, makes waves by blending cultural storytelling with engaging educational content, offering a fresh take on children’s programming. Developed by Behager Lij Studio, a creative powerhouse established five years ago, the series aims to instil Ethiopian values and traditions in the next generation of young viewers.
Founded in 2019, Behager Lij Studio quickly gained recognition in the animation industry with its innovative projects. Its latest venture, Behagerlij Kids, promises to fill a significant gap in Ethiopia’s media landscape. Co-founder Nahom Abiy explains that the series draws on the country’s rich cultural heritage to create characters that resonate deeply with local audiences.
The show’s four main characters, Kimem, Abule, Bitiqo, and Bochera, were named through a public poll and embody archetypes familiar to Ethiopian childhoods. Kimem is sweet and nurturing, Abule is an energetic sports lover, Bitiqo is a creative extrovert, and Bochera is a foodie. Each show character brings a unique perspective, reflecting everyday values within the community and sparking nostalgia for the viewers in Ethiopia.
“Our goal is to craft content that feels like an old friend, comforting and familiar, while also teaching essential lessons about community and friendship,” says Nahom.
The series launched its first episode, “Guadegnaye” (meaning “My Friend”), on September 20. It features an animated song about the power of friendship. The vibrant visuals and captivating melodies have already resonated with the audience, making it an instant hit among children and parents alike.
While Ethiopia’s internet expansion has given children access to foreign media, locally produced content still needs to be made available, often leaving families needing culturally relevant alternatives. Behagerlij Kids seeks to change that by providing high-quality, homegrown content that celebrates Ethiopian roots.
“We’re filling a critical void in the market,” Nahom notes. “Parents want their children to enjoy content that reflects their values and heritage.”
As part of Ethiopia’s push for more play-based learning, the show aligns with recent reforms initiated by the Addis Ababa City Administration Education Bureau, which encourages game-based learning in pre-primary schools. This educational shift provides a promising backdrop for Behagerlij Kids, positioning it as a potential partner in Ethiopia’s evolving education system.
Although the series relies on YouTube for monetization, the studio is actively exploring partnerships to expand its reach and impact. Produced entirely in-house, aside from external help with audio mixing and mastering, the team completed production of the first episode in 3-4 months and has two more episodes in the pipeline.
With children’s content consistently performing well online—Cocomelon, for example, garnered 188.5 billion views in 2023—Behagerlij Kids is poised for success as it taps into the growing demand for high-quality, culturally grounded children’s programming.
By introducing Ethiopia’s rich cultural heritage to young audiences, Behager Lij Studio is entertaining, educating and empowering the next generation with a sense of pride in their roots.