In preparation for the upcoming Advertising And Audiences Management For Digital Broadcast Media, to be held on 06 – 07 August 2024 at The Venue Green Park, Johannesburg, South Africa, Mr Lenny Nganga, CEO of OmnicomMedia Group East Africa, shared his perspectives on the evolving digital broadcast media scene, the innovative strategies industry professionals should embrace, and the pressing need for localised digital marketplaces.
Below is the abstract from the convention:
BMA: What influenced your decision to agree to participate in this year’s Advertising And Audience Management For Digital Broadcast Media?
Lenny: The changing media consumption dynamics have seen a significant shift in advertising revenues to new players. The attendant effects of that shift have had a huge impact on media houses, advertising agencies, and the creative economy, underscoring the urgent need for the industry to adapt to this changing landscape.
BMA: What innovation and new ideas would you like to see professionals embrace in the rapidly changing digital and AI landscape?
- Sell your mediums using the same parameters the global digital giants have implemented.
- Get together and easily create in-market digital marketplaces from which advertisers can buy.
- Use AI to better refine your offerings, understand trends, and ultimately personalise content.
BMA: What are the biggest challenge(s) faced by Africa’s media players today vis-a-vis audiences and content monetisation, and how do you see it being resolved and overcome?
Fragmentation: Coming from the legacy media age, most players are only focused on selling their inventory, which makes it very difficult for advertisers to buy from you. The global digital giants offer seamless and unified placements.
Audience understanding: Efforts to understand audiences better are uncommon, so shifts in behaviour and consumption are only caught once, and it may be too late.
Monetisation: Driving from point 2 above, do you understand what content your audiences would be willing to pay for? How will you compete with the free services in attracting audiences? Advertiser understanding – Low understanding of what content advertisers want to associate with.
BMA: With all said, kindly tell us what you hope fellow participants will take away from this industry event?
Lenny: We need to come together and create local digital media marketplaces, borrowing best practices from the global digital giants to achieve audience understanding and meet advertiser expectations.
This conversation offers valuable insights into Africa’s media players’ current challenges and future directions, particularly regarding audience engagement and content monetisation.
To join Mr Nganga at the event, please visit the website here to learn more.